LA PEAU and you

The philosophy of our company with its distinctive lifestyle & wellness oriented skincare brand LA PEAU represents a perfect fit to today’s knowledgeable consumers. Our 3 product brand is a new concept – based on...

LA PEAU : Before and After

LA PEAU Skincare – simply the best antioxidant Swiss brand! Below please see my friend’s hand with Psoriasis: before and 30 minutes after applying LA PEAU !  LA PEAU SKINCARE is packed with antioxidants! It makes your face radiant! All the vitamins get...

LA PEAU …simply different!

What makes LA PEAU different from other lines and even more attractive vis a vis consumers is the fact that LA PEAU sells mainly by its own merits: through word of mouth (as if it is the new “it” product), a hidden gem from Switzerland, a new “Must-have”,...

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