
Dr Melvin Elson

Fondateur et President de l’Institut de Longévité. Dr Elson est un dermatologue de renommée internationale et un pionnier de l’anti-âge. Nashvillehttp://provider.kareo.com/dr-melvin-elson

” Je suis très impressionné par LA PEAU. C’est simplement la meilleure gamme cosmétique au monde. J’ai développé 3 autres gammes cosmétiques et j’étais impliqué avec 3 autres laboratoires pour développer une nouvelle gamme – il faut avouer qu’AUCUN AUTRE PRODUIT n’a pu obtenir les résultats fantastiques de LA PEAU. Tout simplement une peau lisse et ferme! ”

Dr Melvin Elson

Founder and president of the Longevity Institute, LLC in Nashville, TN. Dr Elson is a world famous dermatologist from Duke University and a Clinical Instructor in medicine at Vanderbilt Universityehttp://provider.kareo.com/dr-melvin-elson

I just wanted to let you know that I am very impressed with LA PEAU. It is The Best Skincare Product in the World. I have developed 3 skincare lines and been involved in introducing 3 others and nothing I have seen compares to the smooth and lovely skin that can be obtained with LA PEAU. Thank you very much.

Dr Nino Kuzmar

Sa clinique St-Clair Cosmetics and Laser –  a obtenu le PRIX de la Meilleure Clinique Cosmétique à  Toronto. https://www.stclaircosmetic.com/about/about-dr.-kuzmar
” Je suis tellement ravi de référer une nouvelle gamme antioxydant Suisse à  tous mes patients. J’utilise LA PEAU régulièrement et je peux dire que les produits LA PEAU fonctionnent beaucoup mieux avec des résultats concluants que les autres gammes leaders en anti-âge. LA PEAU est une gamme basée sur la science, thérapeutique, hydratant et anti-âge ;  les produits sont bourrés d’antioxydants, vitamines, acides aminés et peptides. LA PEAU livre un dosage sain d’antioxydants protectifs directement dans l’épiderme jour après jour! Les resultats cliniques sont vraiment impressionnants.”


ESTHEMED: Clinique de Médecine Esthétique et Anti-Age de Genève. http://www.esthemed.ch/
” Je suis tellement satisfait de cette gamme antioxydant Suisse. Mes clients bénéficient des vertus guérissant et j’ai même basé mon protocole LED et LASER sur LA PEAU “.


Chirurgienne Cosmetique, Beverly Hills. http://www.botox90210.com/about/
“J’adore cette gamme Suisse ! Je l’ai nommée LA CRÈME MIRACLE! Des résultats fantastiques pour tous mes clients! Un grand merci!”

Dr Ezat Hashim

Plastic Surgeon, McGill University

From the Swiss cosmetology elite comes LA PEAU products, using the BeCell molecular complex high-performance formula: small cosmetic bombs that concentrate the best anti-aging ingredients into three small containers. An amazing mixture of antioxidants, trace elements, vitamins, and amino acids that energetically combats wrinkles by deeply hydrating the epidermis. This trio of gel-creams react together to reduce age markers and give skin a smoother appearance and a youthful glow. A truly revolutionary discovery, so spread the word.

Dr Ezat Hashim

Plasticien hors pair, Dr Hashim a une passion pour la chirurgie et il est à la fine pointe de la technologie. Il est considéré comme l’un des meilleurs plasticiens.McGill University, Montreal.http://ccpmtl.com/en/dr-e-hashim/

“Trois bombes cosmétiques qui concentrent le meilleur de l’anti-âge, dans trois flacons. A la base de ces formules hautement performantes de l’élite suisse de la cosmétologie reconnue pour son excellence, le complexe moléculaire BeCell. Cet extraordinaire mélange d’antioxydants, d’oligo-éléments, de vitamines et d’acides aminés combat énergiquement l’apparition des rides tout en hydratant profondément l’épiderme. Ce trio de gel-crème agit en combinaison sur les marqueurs de l’âge afin de défroisser la peau et de lui redonner son éclat de jeunesse. Une véritable découverte révolutionnaire, qu’on se le dise. Les docteurs en médecine esthétique le prescrivent déjà.”


Dermatologiste certifie avec une longue expérience avec l’Institut Pasteur à  Paris; actuellement à  Los Angeles http://www.coastdermatology.com/about/our-staff.html

“LA PEAU est une gamme excellente pour nos clients très exigeants. Quel bonheur d’offrir cette gamme Suisse! Merci! “


Chirurgienne Oculoplastique, Montreal www.vicpark.com/medispa/dr-lucie-khouri/
“Tellement fière de vendre LA PEAU skincare dans ma clinique. Je reçois des commentaires extrèmement positifs de tous mes clients. Les pots LA PEAU se vendent comme des petits pains ! Quelle réussite professionnelle!”

Dr Louis May

Chirurgien Cosmétique, Universite de  Texas, San Diego. www.bajaplasticsurgery.net/en/#cirug%C3%ADa-plastica-est%C3%A9tica

“Après de longues études sur mes patients, j’ai constaté que les produits LA PEAU démontrent une nette amélioration de la peau ainsi qu’une meilleure stimulation et formation de collagène et élastine après même une semaine d’usage des produits, accompagne d’une meilleure élasticité et hydratation de LA PEAU. Je suis tellement satisfait d’offrir ces produits miraculeux LA PEAU dans ma clinique “

Dr Louis May

Dermatologist, University of Texas in Austin

“I have been doing research to see the results with and without LA PEAU creams on the use of fractional CO2 laser & other treatments – LA PEAU showed a faster recovery & better collagen elastin formation after one week of usage, accompanied by still a better elasticity and hydration of the skin after 3 months. I’m very happy to be using it at my practice; I will certainly continue to use it”.


L’un des plus grands médecins de la médecine esthétique du Québec. Son objectif est de fournir aux patients un accès aux dernières technologies et la meilleure qualité des soins disponibles. Montreal http://www.dryveshebert.ca/a-propos/rencontrez-le-dr-yves-hebert/

” Je suis un grand fan de LA PEAU. Vos produits ont guéri le visage d’une de mes patientes; elle avait essayé toutes les crèmes et rien n’a fonctionné sauf LA PEAU “.

Dr Elias Michael

Board certified dermatologist and dermatologic surgeon. He completed his dermatology residency at Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York City

I am a dermatologist and after many years of attempting to find the “perfect” skin care line for my very particular patients to use, I came upon LA PEAU. I always use my products myself before dispensing them to my patients. Well I was stunned! Immediately the LA PEAU line, which is completely non-greasy and ultra-smooth, gave my skin a radiance and exhilaration I never felt previously from ANY of the hundreds of creams and lotions and gels I’d tried previously. My office staff was next to use the line and the reaction was always the same, in fact, my esthetician threw out our current excellent line and demanded an order immediately as she would no longer want to use anything else on herself or our patients. I and my patients are indebted to you LA PEAU for finally ending my ceaseless quest for that “perfect” skin care line.

Dr Gabor Varadi

Plastic Surgeon, Clinique La Colline, Geneva, Switzerland
LA PEAU is a truly exceptional skincare that will significantly improve the quality of your skin; you will be happily impressed by the tangible results of the 3 products (Night, Day and Eyes). I highly recommend this range.

Dr Dany Touma

Dermatologist; Adjunct Associate Professor of Dermatology, Boston University School of Medicine, Owner The Skin Clinic. Advanced Laser and Cosmetic Dermatology and Skin Surgery

I love it. I would like to dispense LA PEAU in my clinics preferably exclusively. LA PEAU is the most performing anti-aging product with a unique texture that blends perfectly well with all sorts of cosmetic procedures.

Dr Dany Touma

Dermatologiste des Stars, Université de Boston; Propriétaire THE SKIN CLINIC, Beyrouth http://www.drdanytouma.com/

“J’adore cette gamme Suisse et j’aimerai l’offrir d’une façon exclusive dans ma clinique. LA PEAU est la gamme anti-âge la plus performante avec une texture unique qui se combine parfaitement avec tous les traitements de cosmétique que j’offre. Un grand merci! »


Publiciste de Eva Longoria

Thank you for the amazing products. Eva and I – love LA PEAU.

Dr Gabor Varadi

Le célèbre Chirurgien Plasticien Dr Gabor Varadi (de la prestigieuse Clinique La Colline-Genève) parle de LA PEAU :http://vimeo.com/365097142
“Mme Kai, on a fait un traitement pour aujourd’hui, vous voyez il y a un joli changement de votre visage; on a bien affiné, on a rehaussé les pommettes, allongé un peu le menton, on a amélioré la morphologie de votre nez. Vous allez utiliser ces produits LA PEAU, dont je vous ai parlés. C’est une marque de produits qui sont exceptionnels et qui vont améliorer la qualité de votre peau d’une façon très importante; donc avec ces 3 produits, vous allez pouvoir faire un traitement complet de la peau, pendant tout l’été et je pense que vous serez très impressionné par les résultats. »

Dr Shino Bay Aguilera

Dermatologue reconnu du monde entier, très convoité, reconnu des medias. Miami.  https://shinobayderm.com/shino-bay-aguilera-2/
“Je n’étais jamais satisfait jusqu’au jour où j’ai essayé LA PEAU. Après un usage quotidien de 2 semaines, j’ai constaté une nette amélioration sur la texture de ma peau. Ma peau est devenue beaucoup plus ferme et les rides ne paraissaient même pas à l’œil nu. Le complexe actif – le BeCell – contient des ingrédients très efficaces qui pénètrent dans la peau et renversent les signes du vieillissement cutané! »

Dr Shino Bay Aguilera

World Renowned Cosmetic Dermatologist, Dermatologic Surgeon, Cosmetic Laser Expert

“I was always looking for the best eye cream that could address many of the concerns that this delicate skin have to endure with the passing of time. I was never satisfied until I tried LA PEAU skin care eye cream. Just after using it for a couple of weeks I saw a dramatic improvement on the texture of my skin. The skin looked a lot more tight and my fine lines were no longer visible with the naked eye. The BeCell Complex in this formulation contains amazing ingredients that penetrate the skin and effectively reverse sign of aging. If their eye cream could do that. I can’t wait to see what the day and night time creams can do for me.”

Dr Alfred Balbul

Dermatologist, McGill University, Montréal

LA PEAU skincare product range nourishes the skin instantly and deeply – the agreeable feeling is immediate & the antioxidant results long term. I highly recommend the use of the product.

Dr Grace Bianchi, MD

Lecturer Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva; Private Practice, Geneva

As a busy professional woman I do not dedicate much interest or time to cosmetic products, but I must say that LA PEAU is a product with a difference. Since I tried it I have become convinced that it does perform (unlike many other products) what it promises. I have always ended throwing away unused old creams that I had forgotten to apply to my skin but since I tried your cream I do feel the difference if I don’t use it. My skin feels better and also do I. I carry it in my luggage when I travel and never forget to apply it. Signs of stress are less evident and the skin looks and feels healthier. I do believe that LA PEAU has a great Be…future.

Dr Yasmin Harrison

General Medicine, McGill University, Montreal

From the first few days of treatment, you can notice the effect of the BeCell Complex on the skin. Its formulation enriched with the finest vitamins, rich in trace elements, protects the skin against oxidation, which is an important aging factor. Highly efficient product range.

Gloria Estefan

Singer & Grammy winner

Hi there Carla and Irma! I’m on tour in Europe at the moment and won’t be back in Miami until the 29th of September. Still using your wonderful products – I love them. So thanks again! Much love, Gloria.

Gloria Estefan

Chanteuse & Gagnante Prix Grammy

Hi there Carla and Irma! I’m on tour in Europe at the moment and won’t be back in Miami until the 29th of September. Still using your wonderful products – I love them. So thanks again! Much love, Gloria.

Liza Anderson

Eva Longoria’s Publicist, Los Angeles

Thank you for the amazing products. Eva and I – love LA PEAU.


Soldate, US Air Force

Je suis une femme soldate dans l’armée – c’est grâce à vos produits LA PEAU que j’ai pu endurer la dure vie des climats torrides. Un Grand Merci!
I am in the US Air Force and currently serving in Baghdad Iraq and as you know things here are stressful. I have been noticing that my wrinkles or laugh lines under my eyes have disappeared after using LA PEAU. The lack of sleep, being in the hot weather all the time and the stress here took a toll on my eyes. Luckily I found your wonderful product – thank you, it makes my day.

Sgt Kimberly Tindol

US Air Force

I am in the US Air Force and currently serving in Baghdad Iraq and as you know things here are stressful. I have been noticing that my wrinkles or laugh lines under my eyes have disappeared after using LA PEAU. The lack of sleep, being in the hot weather all the time and the stress here took a toll on my eyes. Luckily I found your wonderful product – thank you, it makes my day.


Actrice, Toronto

This is a dream come true; after all these years of research on the skin, we finally have a real product that works. All 3 of them – the Night, Day and the Eye Contour – are magnificent. They have a very inviting texture – light and smooth – they are free of overwhelming perfumes, and keep the skin at the end of the day almost as fresh looking and soft as first applied. I have rarely benefited this fast and this well from any other skincare products.Every night and every morning I look forward with a sense of excitement to cleansing my face and applying the gels. I have noticed daily changes to and improvement of my skin – firmness around the eyes and no oily secretions by the end of the day. I would recommend this product with great confidence to my friends as my daily ritual has turned into a most pleasant and necessary experience.

Arsinée Atom Egoyan

Actress, Toronto

This is a dream come true; after all these years of research on the skin, we finally have a real product that works. All 3 of them – the Night, Day and the Eye Contour – are magnificent. They have a very inviting texture – light and smooth – they are free of overwhelming perfumes, and keep the skin at the end of the day almost as fresh looking and soft as first applied. I have rarely benefited this fast and this well from any other skincare products. Every night and every morning I look forward with a sense of excitement to cleansing my face and applying the gels. I have noticed daily changes to and improvement of my skin – firmness around the eyes and no oily secretions by the end of the day. I would recommend this product with great confidence to my friends as my daily ritual has turned into a most pleasant and necessary experience.

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